trucare 2in1 exterior cat dasar

TruCare 2in1 Exterior Cat Dasar comes with 'Silicone Impregnation Technology'. Base coat application of TruCare 2in1 Exterior Cat Dasar leads to improved performance against water and alkali. Silicone particle in product enters the pores of the wall and blocks water and chemical attack on top coat, and keeps the top coat looking good for longer.


water resistance

water resistance

Due to silicone impregnation technology, it prevents from water seepage.

alkali resistance

alkali resistance

Silicone particles in pore doesn’t react with alkali, provides protection to top coat.

better top coat adhesion

better top coat adhesion

It provides better top coat adhesion of paint film.

prevents flaking and chalking

prevents flaking and chalking

It prevents flaking and chalking on the wall.

available packs
